ETCC- Advanced
Paramedic/paramedic students, Tactical paramedics, Canadian Forces, Nurse/nursing students, Doctor/residents etc.
- Identify TECC/TCCC phases of care: Direct Threat, Indirect Threat and Evacuation
- THREAT principle
- Immediate response trauma care in each phase of care using MARCH algorithm
- How to perform a rapid trauma survey to recognize life-threatening bleeding, airway emergencies and respiration emergencies and the initial steps you can take to care for these patients.
- Explain why it is important to use a tourniquet to control life-threatening bleeding from an arm or leg.
- Demonstrate how to apply a tourniquet to the arm and leg. Self-Aid and Buddy Aid
- Demonstrate how to pack a wound with gauze and apply pressure to control bleeding.
- The use of hemostatic agents in wound packing to promote the formation of blood clots.
- Perform basic and advanced airway management.
- Recognizing and treating penetrating and blunt chest injuries with the use of vented and non vented chest seals and needle thoracostomy.
- Hypothermia and Head injury management.
- Discussion on different organizational protocols for pain management. admin of TXA, and fluid resuscitation
Full day class
Class Length: 8 hrs
Class capacity: 8 Participants
Price per student: $325